As a 46-year-old bachelor, many would be curious to know how Fatboy manages to live alone without getting bored or lonely occasionally. But as surprising as it would occur to many, the RX Radio proprietor said that he had never in a bit felt so at his home.
He made the confessions during The Fatboy Show today morning, while responding to a question from his Co-host Olive Najjuma.
“No, no, never. I'm suffering from a particular condition, I've actually never experienced boredom in my life. Boredom is not a thing I suffer, I'm somehow able to keep myself entertained or occupied. There will always be something I am doing, watching or enjoying. It takes time before I realise it's been a while since I spoke to someone. And especially since I have ka Rukia (his pet dog), we are good.”
The duo were talking about managing marriage disputes by having separate rooms in the house where one of the partners would be able to relocate to in case of a fight. Olive however proposed having a room within the bedroom so that other house occupants wouldn't be able to know about the fight.
Fatboy on the other hand proposed a different room in the house that one of the partners would use in case of a fight and would have to do something sweet to earn their place back into the main bedroom.
However, with this sounding more like a chore, Fatboy said that such was one of the reasons that were keeping him unmarried. He acknowledged that long distance marriages seem to keep marriages intact for longer periods than when couples stay together.
As an example, Olive made reference to Kelly Clarkson and her now ex-husband Brandon Blackstock’s marriage which had lasted for 7 years while they were doing it over long distance. However, during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown when they found themselves living together, the marriage couldn't hold anymore.
Even more baffling is that the court ruled that Clarkson pays Blackstock 1.3 million dollars, a one-off payment in addition to monthly child support payments of 45,601 dollars since the two had been living with their two children before the divorce.
In his comment to this, Fatboy welcomed feminists to equality. “You've been clamouring for equality and now you're getting a taste of it. Essentially men have for generations been made to pay monetary compensations, support and alimony to former wives, sometimes until death depending on country of residence. So I feel like women are getting a taste of what it means to be financially responsible for someone you don't love anymore,” he said.
Olive, in agreement, said given that Blackstock was the one taking care of the children as the singer was travelling and making money while earning more than her ex- husband, it was only fair for her to pay up the sum the court had ruled.
The Fatboy show is hosted by James Onen aka Fatboy, Olive and Sarah every weekday from 6am to 10am on RX Radio.